Offers & Financing

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Financing option also available!

Click here to see our current financing offers

finance plans

How to get financing:

1. Contact Turfco to discuss which offer is best for you & get your estimated quote or add items to cart and select financing at checkout.,
2. Fill out a new customer application by visiting or clicking HERE
a. New application is required even if you have a current loan with Sheffield
b. If selecting the “loan to be in the business name” option you must be the majority owner have your EIN/Tax ID# available, and additional verification may be required
c. **NOTE** Sheffield only offers personally guaranteed loans
3. Once your application is submitted you will get an “Application ID #” on the next screen
4. Give your Application ID# to your Turfco representative
5. Once you are approved by Sheffield your Turfco Rep will send you the Sheffield contract to sign & return along with a photocopy of your drivers license or state ID.
6. Once completed you will receive a welcome packet in the mail within 7-10 business days. You can also use your loan id# to set up an account on sheffields website

Sale pricing not eligible for financing offers

Advertised is based on minimum bureau risk score of 660. Minimum amount financed is $1,500; Maximum amount financed is $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An origination fee of $150 will be added to the amount financed in the above example. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating Sheffield dealer (Turfco). See dealer (Turfco) for product eligibility and qualifications between 8/1/2024 and 10/31/2024. Offer subject to change without notice. [“E” means estimate.]